HOP's Impact on National Careers Week.
This March saw our third year being partners with National Careers Week (NWC). National Careers Week (NCW) is a celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. Their aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways.
Will we return next year? ABSOLUTELY.
We interviewed the inspiring Nick Newman (founder of NCW and all-round good egg) about why HOP are an important organisation to be partnered with NCW.
Check out what he had to say!
What significance and importance does HOP have to widening participation across the Humber region?
In my opinion the role that HOP plays in the Humber region is vital; it’s unique position allows it to play a pivotal role in linking young people to information about HE and higher educational pathways.
Why are organisations like HOP important within the world of careers?
Careers provision is not just about informing young people about specific jobs and career pathways, it’s about providing people with knowledge and information that helps them make better informed decisions about their next steps. Organisations like HOP are therefore vital in the wider process.
What has been a highlight of working with HOP for NCW?
HOP are great partners for NCW, they provide excellent information that is incredibly important for young people when it comes to helping them make choices about their futures. The information and content is always of excellent quality and relevance and the team are absolutely amazing!
What are you looking forwards to moving forwards?
At NCW we keep building on all areas each year, for NCW2024 we are looking at extending our VCF to some form of regional physical event across the UK, we hope that the team at HOP would want to be involved with this going forwards.
HOP and NCW believe in the power of careers, education, information, advice and guidance as a driver of change within society, improving life choices and empowering people to take control of their future. All it takes is a pledge, a commitment to provide an insight or opportunity. If we all make a pledge, we passionately believe by working together we can make a real difference in 2023 and beyond.
We will be back in 2024 and we at HOP feel strongly that our partnership with NCW will only get stronger.
To access our floor at National Careers Week click HERE.
To find out more about NCW and maybe even take a pledge to support click HERE.