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An apprenticeship is a real job where you gain experience, learn and get paid. Just like a regular job you are an employee with a contract of employment and holiday leave.

By the end of an apprenticeship, you'll have the correct skills and knowledge needed for your selected career. It can take between one and six years to complete an apprenticeship depending on what apprenticeship you choose, what level it is as well as your previous experience. Apprenticeships are funded from contributions made by the government and your employer.

All apprenticeships have a level and an equivalent education level. You can start an apprenticeship at any level. With over 600 different apprenticeship standards covering everything from marketing to construction, there is an apprenticeship out there for everyone.

Apprenticeships offer opportunity, choice, qualifications, support and could be the perfect route to your career. Check out our resources below on all things apprenticeship and don’t forget you can always use out instant chat to ask questions to our coordinators.

Myth Busting

Our student ambassadors and careers advisors Sanna and Amy talk you though the common myths that surround apprenticeships. Busting Myths such as;

  • I can only do an apprenticeship if I am school leaver.
  • You can't go to university if you do and apprenticeship.
  • Apprenticeships are the easy option.
  • You can only do an apprenticeship in a vocational subject.

UCAS Hub student packs

These short self-led tasks take students through the early uni research stages, encouraging them to explore their options on and in more depth in the UCAS Hub.

Students can use this pack to kick-start their research about apprenticeships and explore all the jobs on offer.

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